Sweet & Young Water Kiosk

Sweet & Young Water Kiosk supplies fresh alkaline ionic water to the public at reasonable price. Alkaline ionic water is processed using municipal approved water source. This source water is first purified through a series of USA purifiers, and then processed by Japanese Ionization technique.

The alkaline water comes in four different sizes – 500ml, 1.5L, and 5.5L and 20L. Please visit the water kiosk and refill the empty bottles with fresh alkaline ionic water for only RM 0.50 per liter.

We also provide delivery service to offices and residential, please contact us immediately to place your order or request a sales representative to meet you.




Properties of Alkaline Ionic Water and its Therapeutic Effect
It has the most powerful anti-oxidant properties with ORP measurable at -400mV, is the all natural defense against free radicals, eliminate major cause of illness. (Alkaline water is the healthiest drinking water, by Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi)
It has 5 times more dissolved oxygen than boiled, distilled or RO water. German Nobel laureate, Dr. Otto Warberg discovered that cancer is caused by lack of oxygen. (Reverse Aging, by Sang Wang)
Loaded with ionic minerals, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, etc which can be easily absorb by human body. Nobel laureate, Linus Pauling found out that minerals deficiency causes all diseases. (The calcium Factor, by Robert R. Borefoot)
Effectively neutralizing acid waste and restoring body’s pH balance. Acidification of human body could lead to degenerative diseases. (Alkalize or Die, by Dr Theodore A Baroody)
It has smallest molecules cluster, travel 6 times faster than normal water, bringing nutrients to and removing acidic toxins from our body cells more efficiently. (Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, by Dr. Batmanghelidj)
Clinical Reports From Reputed Doctors and Hospitals

Prof. Kuninaka Hironaga – head of Kurninaka Hospital, Japan
His experiments with minerals show that minerals, especially ionic calcium, are crucial in controlling high blood pressure and other diseases. By drinking alkaline ionic water for period of 2 to 3 months, the blood pressure will drop slowly because the alkaline ionic water is a good solvent that breaks up the cholesterol in the blood vessels.


Prof. Kumata Keijiroo – Doctor of Medicine, Japan
The wonder of alkaline ionic water is its ability to neutralize toxins. However, it is not a medicine. The difference is that medicine must be prescribed on a case-to case basis to each patient, whereas alkaline ionic water can be consumed by anybody


Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi – Doctor of Medicine, Japan
Sickness can be prevented by reducing free radicals. Reduction of free radicals means supplying electrons to neutralize the free radicals. Alkaline water is the best candidate for this purpose as the electrons present in alkaline water are highly reactive and react much faster than any organic antioxidant.


Professor Lu Fung – Jou – Chung Shan medical University, Taiwan
In his book, Electrolyzed Water is Good Water, prof. Lu states that by administering alkaline water intravenously into patients suffering from various diseases, the disease-causing free radicals could be removed by an average of not less than 75%.


Dr. Theodore A Baroody – Doctor of Medicine, USA
In his book, Alkalize or Die, Dr. Theodore advises people to drink alkaline water whenever possible in order to release the alkaline elements for the neutralization of acidic wastes in our body.



Sweet & Young Water Kiosk
Lot 587, Ground Floor, Lorong 2B, Jalan Blacksmith, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak.
Tel: 082-422240 Fax: 082-252516 Email: sweet_youngwk@yahoo.com
Contact Person: Kenny Siong (H/P No: 019-8890026)

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